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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rantings and ravings don't necessarily lower one's blood pressure

By Gordon Garnos

AT ISSUE: Rantings and ravings come in all sizes, shapes and colors. In fact, there's a newspaper in that town down by Harrisburg that publishes every once in a while a column of rants and raves by whomever volunteers for the day. So far, so good. However, it doesn¹t seem to make much difference if the author is ranting or raving about an issue, my blood pressure boils at some, and chills out at others. Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to devote this week's column to some rantings and ravings of my own. (Full Article)


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

I certainly enjoyed! Thank you, Mr. Garnos!

As for the Humane Society -- I think that people ought to be able to readily and cheaply get their pets back, especially when it was an accident the pet got loose in the first place.

Do payment plans! Allow the person to volunteer hours/efforts in place of the fees. Get the "wanted" pets back home with their families that simply can't come up with that amount of money within that allotted time.

The latter being my rant shared! :-)

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