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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

John Fund on Chicago Corruption and the Daley Machine

John Fund at the Wall Street Journal discusses corruption in Chicago politics and the Daley Machine which has ruled Chicago politics for decades (see video below).

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested yesterday for attempting to sell Barack Obama's senate seat.

Some have joked that with the number of Illinois governors getting in trouble with the law, they'll have to open a "Governor's Wing" at the state penitentiary.

And now we have a president-elect with roots in the machine.

I noticed yesterday that while Obama-advisor David Axelrod said "I know he's talked to the governor," Obama told us he had not talked to the governor. Who to believe...

Will our whole nation become a Chicago "machine?"


Anonymous said...

I noticed all the news outlets are being very quick and persistent in saying that Obama has not been implicated in any of this. Chicago and Illinois residents are not so sure. Tony Rezco (old friend of BO) is all over this scandal, Blago indicates that he had discussed with the Obama's people their choice for BO's senate seat, Obama's campaign manager said that they had discussed this with Blago and most impotantly, speaking of Obama, it is speculated that no one rises to such power in the Chicago Machine except by playing the game by the rules dictated by the Machine. Gov. Blago illustrates for us what that game is. This is only the beginning of what will be the most scandal-ridden presidential administration in history (surpassing even Bill Clinton).

Bob Ellis said...

Good Lord help us: more scandal-ridden than the Clinton administration? I fear you're probably right, Dr. Theo.

At least I know I'll be staying busy at Dakota Voice for the next four years...

Anonymous said...

I'm just excited for Obama to take office and make an actual mistake. Then people will really have something to criticize and you won't have to spend so much energy making (very) lose connections and falling back on the make believe "omigod he's a SOCIALIST!!" argument.

Bob Ellis said...

Dutch, just being a socialist is more than enough to oppose him. Socialism is un-American and very bad for our country and our people.

Anonymous said...

Heck, we're nationalizing everything else. Might as well nationalize the Chicago political machine...

Anonymous said...

You're totally right. Obama is a socialist pig. I heard he wants to work on getting healthcare for the millions of Americans who are uninsured. That is totally un-American!

Bob Ellis said...

In case you were out sick that day in school, Dutch, our government and Constitution is one of enumerated powers, meaning if the Constitution doesn't specifically authorize the government to do it, the government can't legally do it.

You might want to go look up the enumerated power to dispense charity before you say anything more about what's un-American.

Anonymous said...

You're aware that the government already does provide for healthcare for certain people, right? I'm by no means saying that healthcare should be completely socialized, but I think there's something wrong when the "best and richest" country in the world is the only industrialized country besides South Africa that doesn't guarantee healthcare for all of its citizens. My family members in Europe don't have to worry about going bankrupt if they get sick. Many Americans do. There's something wrong with that.

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