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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Gwen Ifill: When the Moderator Isn't So Moderate

The ever-vigilant sentinels at the Media Research Center have the goods on the "mainstream" media figure Gwen Ifill who will "objectively" moderate the vice presidential debate tomorrow night between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin.

Ifill, the "nonpartisan" moderator has in the past said things like:

■ Clinton’s Not Liberal Enough. “Is this welfare bill your great vulnerability on this subject? Your supporters, your critics, they all say that, perhaps, you are abandoning minorities and the poor.” — Ifill interviewing President Clinton on race relations, June 16, 1997 Today.

■ Ken Starr’s “Truck Bomb.” “There's very little they can do about this, when someone drives, as one House Judiciary Committee member put this some weeks ago, a truck bomb up to the steps of the Capitol and just dumps it on is in some ways, politically, a very violent action for Ken Starr to leave this on them weeks before an election when they're trying to decide how to deal with it.” — Ifill during live MSNBC coverage of the Starr Report arriving on Capitol Hill, September 9, 1998.

■ Red-Baiting Century. “After World War II, then we went through decades of Red-hunting, Red-baiting, fear of communists, and then all of a sudden the Berlin Wall, that symbol of everything that happened, fell.” — PBS host Ifill reviewing the century on Washington Week, December 31, 1999.

■ “Record High” Misery? “The unemployment rate is at record highs, and somehow he [Bush] says this is Congress's fault.” — PBS host Ifill somehow forgetting the Great Depression in describing 6.1 percent unemployment, Washington Week, May 2, 2003.

Isn't it great to know that we can be solidly assured that Sarah Palin will--as usual--get fair, balanced, and objective treatment from the debate "moderator"?


Unknown said...

Uh, McCain agreed to the terms of the debate, including the moderator, so I'm afraid you can't wield your sense of victimhood for this one. Blame McCain for not doing a single google search before saying "Sure, she sounds good."

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find plenty of other opporunties to whine and complain about the big, bad MSM. Or alternatively, you and the rest of the conservatives could grow a pair.

Bob Ellis said...

So, Logan, it seems you don't dispute that Ifill is a partisan liberal hack, and all you can do is whine that it's okay because McCain agreed to it.

Anonymous said...

Might I suggest Shawn Hannity to moderate the next debate. Surely Logan and like-minded libs would be perfectly happy with that arrangement.

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