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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, October 04, 2008

Biden and Obama: Charity Cheapskates

The myth of liberal "compassion" has been roundly and soundly debunked in the past couple of years.

Conservatives routinely give more--far more--to charity than the liberals who spout "compassion, compassion" like rabid parrots.

Liberals are big on giving to others....when it involves someone elses money. Liberals are big on sending the government to take your money and give it to someone else (whether they deserve it or not), whether you want to or not. But when it comes to giving of their own...well, that's a different story.

Even the Most Beneficent One Lord Barack Obama, the #1 most liberal senator, was revealed a few months ago to be a charity cheapskate when it comes to giving.

According to the ABC News blog,

The Obamas' donations to all recipients totaled $2,350 in 2000, $1,470 in 2001, $1,050 in 2002, $3,400 in 2003, and $2,500 in 2004. They also paid federal taxes totaling $311,044 during the same period on their $1.2 million of income.

I made significantly less than $1.2 million in that same time frame, yet I gave more than the Obamas every single year in that period.

But at least Obama and Biden seem to be a good match for one another.

The Hill reports that last year the Palin's gave almost more than Obama's running mate Joe Biden did in the last 10 years. And in 2006, they did give more than Biden did in the last 10 years.
In 2006, the Palins paid $11,944 in taxes on $127,869 in income. In 2007, they paid $24,738 on $166,080.

But in 2006, they donated $4,880 to charity, and in 2007, they donated $3,325.

By contrast, Biden (D-Del.), Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's running mate, has donated a total of $3,690 since 1998 despite his higher Senate salary, according to an analysis posted by National Review.

Hmmm. At the risk of patting myself on the back too much and minimizing my "reward in Heaven," it looks like on my paltry income my family gave more to charity last year than Biden did in the last 10 years.

If liberals really believed in charity and compassion so much, why don't they abandon socialism and do it the Biblical way--where private individuals and groups help people in need?

If liberals really want to build up our country and help those less fortunate, why don't they embrace the wisdom of the Founders and return to private charity?

After all, James Madison said
I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.

And as Congressman Davy Crockett reminded us
We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money.

The wisdom of the Bible and the Founders--along with the behavior of Biden himself--ultimately proves that his foolish contention that paying more taxes (so it can be redistributed to government bureaucrats paychecks and "others in need") is "patriotic" is simply this: wrapping up socialism in the flag in an attempt to justify government policy that is profoundly un-American.


Anonymous said...

You wrote: "...the Most Beneficent One Lord Barack Obama..."
How sad, that you muyst resort to making fun of a man based on the fact that he has tried to be a good man.
I lived in Arizona and know all about the partying, gambling, careless Sen. McCain. 26 years, and the Apaches I worked with are worse off than ever, their sacred lands turned into a copper mine, with nobody to help them. Certainly not Sen. McCain, who sat on the Indian board.
Sen. Obama had big bills to pay off, after running for office (his book earnings helped, but there wans't much leftb over). based on what was left after those expenses, he was generous. Sen. McCain, in contrast, has had an easy win every round in Arizona, thanks to his wife's bankrolling. And finally, the man you disparge and make fun of gave years of his TIME and strength to help the poor and underprivileged, when he could have raked in big bucks as a fancy lawyer. his wife chose to leave her well-paying job to take care of their two little girls as a fulltime mom. That's sscrifice for a good cause. They have one house and one car: Sen. Mccain has too many houses to keep track of, and thirteen cars. I find it sad that just because somebody who wants to lead this country has tried to be a good man, that you make fun of him for it.
Labels are easy to place on people. 'Liberal' comes from the same Latin root word as 'liberty.'
Sen. Obama has consistently voted to reduce taxes for the middle class (see FACTCHECK), yet 'voted 94 times for tax increases' is the lie that keeps getting repeated, being parroted by Gov. Palin and Sen. McCain, who have both been corrected, but continue this slander.
Is name-calling what you have to use, instilling hatred? And if that means you'll influence people to vote against this man, and we get Sen. McCain, we'll all need his charity. Sen. McCain's judgment is poor. He's impulsive. And he does NOT care about the poor. I know.

Bob Ellis said...

J Anne Baker, you really should back off that Koolaid; you've had one glass too many.

Obama made $1.2 million during the stated time, but oh, he was just too poor to give any of his own money to others.

I didn't make within 5 ballparks of that much money, yet I gave far more.

It's a matter of priorities, and it's the big difference between liberals and conservatives: conservatives want to help people, and liberals want to help people with someone elses money--whether that someone else wants to or not.

According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, McCain gave 26% of his income to charity in 2007 (better even than I).

Meanwhile, Biden gave 0.15% (that's zero point one five percent) of his income during the entire last 10 years.

But Obama is leading the way and setting the example for his hopeful #2; Obama gave a whopping 0.898% of his income during the time period specified above...so he's way ahead of Biden's charitable giving.

But, hmm, more than a little behind McCain's 26%.

And when I called him the Most Beneficent One Lord Barack Obama, I'm not making fun of Obama...I'm making fun of the Koolaid-drinking mindless idiots who worship him with religious fervor. Seen anybody like that lately?

Unknown said...

Obama's rhetoric makes him sound so socially responsible, but clearly he does not put his money where his mouth is. And Joe Biden is riding Barack Obama's wave of false compassion.

First, Google "Found in a rundown Boston estate: Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango"

Likely so as not to appear too much a hypocrite in his run for the presidency, Obama's total jumped to $77,315 (4.7 percent of annual earnings), and to $60,307 in 2006 (6.1 percent). More than $27,000 total was given to Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ, whose former pastor Jeremiah Wright has dominated recent news coverage.

You nailed it on Biden.

Palin's record is not stellar, but a whole lot better than Joe's and after all they have 5 kids to support


Senator McCain donates his royalties from his books to charitable organizations. This sum has totaled over $1,800,000 since 1998 when he signed his first book deal. Senator McCain's book income of $256,898 for 2006 and 2007 is comprised of earnings for Faith of My Fathers, Worth the Fighting For, Why Courage Matters, Character is Destiny, and Hard Call. In 2006, Senator and Mrs. McCain donated $129,390 from community assets to charity, of which Senator McCain's one-half allocation was $64,695. This is 19% of his adjusted gross income.In 2007, Senator and Mrs. McCain donated $210,933 from community assets to charity, of which Senator McCain's one-half allocation is $105,467. This is 27.2% of his adjusted gross income for the year. Most of Senator McCain's contributions were made to the John and Cindy McCain Family Foundation, which makes direct contributions to charities.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are both hypocrites!

Bob Ellis said...

Yes, I heard about this today.

Also, Obama's half brother in Africa lives on less than $12 a year.

That's liberals for you: always generous with your money, seldom with their own.

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