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Friday, January 25, 2008

Why the Sonogram Bill is So Important

This is why HB 1193, and the smokeout of SB 88 in the South Dakota Legislature is so important. It provides sonograms to women who are considering abortions. (Click to enlarge)

Great kudos to the House for passing 1193 out of committee this morning!

Many women realize after they've aborted their unborn children that it was in fact a child, a human being, growing inside them. At this point, it's too late, and all they're left with is guilt, regret, despair and pain.

In practically every area of medical practice, more information is regarded as better. Why should this area be any different, especially when one life is on the line, and the emotional health of another?


Haggs said...

I agree that more information is always better. Clinics routinely preform sonograms before abortions, so if the patient wants to view it she should definately be allowed.

But (and you probably knew there would be a "but") this legislation seems too manipulative. While it doesn't force a patient to look at the sonogram, it seems designed to manipulate her into it. And I don't like how it interferes with the relationship between the doctor and the patient.

And I worry about what this information will be used for. Though I do like that SB88 protects the privacy of the patient. That's good so this information won't be to harrass her used at a later date. Unfortunately, HB1193 requires the patient's signature.

Anonymous said...

The pro-aborts are terrified any information (all protestations of the opposite aside)that might accurately push aside mere opinion and viewpoint in favor of bald, objective facts.

Namely...It's a Baby.

Not a tumor.

Not a mistake (although maybe the product of one).

Not an inconvenience.

Not a curse.

Not a political path to power for women terrified of ever having to depend on anyone, especially a man, for anything or having someone as utterly dependent as a Baby depending on them for everything.

It is, in fact, a precious, beautiful Baby. Created in the image of its Heavenly Father and utterly innocent of the world it is about to be born into.

How can such a timorous bill be opposed with such vitriol?

It is Gentle in the extreme, merely demanding that these precious women be offered the opportunity, not forced, OFFERED the opportunity to see an ultrasound of the “tissue” in their wombs.

It is a truth woven by God Himself into the very warp and woof of Creation that darkness flees the light. It doesn’t creep back slowly, just waiting to pounce on pitiful light, but is utterly eradicated by even the seemingly faintest pinprick of brilliance.

That is why the pro-death crowd fights bloody fang and ragged claw to stop the match from being struck. Their lies are evaporated in the light of the smallest light.

South Dakota Legislature! Light this little match and watch Truth vanquish lies in the lives of women who choose to look through this window into their womb.

Bob Ellis said...

The reason HB 1193 requires a patient signature is to ensure Planned Parenthood didn't "forget" to offer the sonogram, or simply not and say they did.

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