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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, January 25, 2008

The Clinton Insult to All Americans

By Carrie K. Hutchens

Hillary and Bill Clinton may think it is just politics as usual, but some call their behavior insulting and unforgivable. I am one of the some.

It is maddening to have someone do or say something, only for the person to then deny it ever took place, in spite of overwhelming evidence that proves it did. Even more maddening is to have someone lie to your face about you. Like you aren't going to know it is a lie? Oh, but then... that little tactic is most generally, though not always, for the audience. The audience that too often believes people wouldn't dare lie about a person to their face, so the liar must be the one telling the truth. And we have the Clintons.

To Obama's face...

"HILLARY CLINTON, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You also talked about the Republicans having ideas over the last ten to 15 years.

SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I didn't say they were good ones.

CLINTON: Well, you can read the context of it.

OBAMA: Well, I didn't say they were good ones.

CLINTON: Well, it certainly came across in the way that it was presented as the Republicans had been standing up against the conventional wisdom with their ideas. I'm just reacting to the fact, yes, they did have ideas, and they were bad ideas. Bad for America and I was fighting against those ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner-city Chicago."~Clinton vs. Obama Battle Boils Over (Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - FoxNews)

Tell him he said it. Tell him what you want people to think he said. Then come out with an attack out of the blue to cause the subject to change and leave the distortion hanging out there.

(The allegation thrown out there about Obama and Tony Rezko is also apparently a distortion of the truth.)

What was said...
"I do think that, for example, the 1980 election was different. I mean, I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know, Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. He put us on a fundamentally different path because the country was ready for it. They felt like, you know, with all the excesses of the 60's and the 70's and government had grown and grown but there wasn't much sense of accountability in terms of how it was operating and he tapped into what people were already feeling. Which is, people wanted clarity, we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamic and entrepreneurship that had been missing, alright? I think Kennedy, twenty years earlier, moved the country in a fundamentally different direction. So I think a lot of it just has to do with the times"

"I think we're in one of those times right now. Where people feel like things as they are going aren't working. We're bogged down in the same arguments that we've been having, and they're not useful. And, you know, the Republican approach, I think, has played itself out. I think it's fair to say the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last ten, fifteen years, in the sense that they were challenging conventional wisdom. Now, you've heard it all before. You look at the economic policies when they're being debated among the Presidential candidates and it's all tax cuts. Well, you know, we've done that, we tried it. That's not really going to solve our energy problems, for example. So, some of it's the times. And some of it's, I think, there's maybe a generation element to this, partly. In the sense that there's a, I didn't did come of age in the battles of the 60's. I'm not as invested in them." Clinton Twists, Obama Flips (January 18, 2008 5:33 PM)

Here is Bill's take of it.
"Clinton then accused Obama of calling conservative darling Reagan a better president than Clinton.

"[Obama] said President Reagan was the engine of innovation and did more, had a more lasting impact on America than I did," Clinton said. "And then the next day he said, 'In the '90s the good ideas came out from the Republicans.' Which it'll be costly maybe down the road for him because it's factually not accurate." ~Bill Clinton comments,
EXCLUSIVE: Barack vs. Bill: Obama Hits Ex-Prez Over 'Troubling' Attacks (ABC News - Jan. 21, 2008)

Obama said this when and where?

Then we have Hillary's take...
"I have to say, you know, my leading opponent the other day said that he thought the Republicans had better ideas than Democrats the last ten to fifteen years," she said. "That's not the way I remember the last ten to fifteen years." ~Hillary Clinton (Clinton Twists, Obama Flips (January 18, 2008 5:33 PM)

I don't appreciate being told I'm so stupid that I didn't hear what I know I heard.

I don't appreciate being told I'm so stupid that I didn't see what I know I saw.

But here are the Clintons making all of these outlandish comments and I'm suppose to just doubt my own senses and ability to comprehend and process information, because whatever they say is gospel according to the moment? I don't think so.

If I had ever considered voting for Hillary Clinton, her smug little expressions and willingness to "obviously" lie, would have put an end to that consideration simply on it's own merit and with no need of an opponent.

I saw what Obama said about the Republicans. What Bill and Hillary are saying isn't just a distortion -- it is an outright lie. An outright lie because there is no way this is a mistake. They want the public to believe the distortion as being the truth. And, I'm sure, they are counting on people not bothering to check it out. They are counting on people only remembering the "accusation" and not the "findings" as to what actually transpired.

It is the old dirty politics and the Clintons seem to think we want more of it. They seem to think that playing fair and telling the truth is only what fools and losers do. Whatever it takes, it looks like they are willing to do it to get the nomination. And it seems they are counting on the fact that people are too stupid to see what is going on right in front of them. They seem to think they can run over anyone and everyone. They don't need anyone else. They're the Clinton's after all. That opinion of them was planted more firmly today, when I heard that Ted Kennedy and others wanted Bill to calm it down and he refused. If true, I think that says it all...

The Clintons obviously think they are all-powerful and only what they want and how they see things matters. The rules, apparently don't count for them and they are sure we all agree, except for the misguided and misinformed. Perhaps in the end, it will be the Clintons that have the surprise. Perhaps they will find that they misjudged the American people after all. One can only hope. And I am one of those ones!


Unknown said...

Nice post. Spread the word and let's hope most other Americans don't like being fooled by the Clintons either.

Anonymous said...

The Clintons have been getting away with this cynical and corrupt style of politics for years. And the "drive-by media" only marvel at how good they are at it and await instructions from Clinton, Inc. as to how they can best help them in their efforts to deceive.

We saw this very thing in the papers released by Judicial Watch that showed that the MSM were eager to help with Hillary's first attempt at taking over the health care system, only waiting for marching orders from Clinton headquarters.

If the Clintons get back in the White House, I worry we may never get them to leave. God help us.

Anonymous said...

I am one of millions of reasonable progressives who will NEVER vote for Billary. If the Democratic Party can't find someone halfway decent, honest and authentic to represent them, then they deserve to lose in November.

I can't wait to see all the Democratic establishment hacks wringing their hands and wondering why they lost a White House bid that was supposed to be theirs. Hopefully it will be the final chapter in the Democrats' sad history of spineless political posturing, opening the way for a new party that will actually represent the interests of working Americans in a principled manner.

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