There's an old adage which advises sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Too bad the pro-abortion and pro-sex-on-demand crowd never learned this.
Over the past several months I've noticed folks from this sect attempting to cast aspersion on people who view innocent human life as sacred, and who believe in acting according to conscience rather than impulse.
Debate is good and healthy in a free, open society, especially when the merits of public policy can be debated on a logical, scientific basis. But when the opposing argument lacks logic and/or scientific basis, it can become comical and a little embarrassing for the Free Love Folk.
For instance, one analogy I've seen compares (a) a requirement that a woman considering abortion be shown an ultrasound of the child inside her, and (b) a facetious requirement that a man wanting to buy condoms be shown a sperm under a microscope.
Just one tiny difference here. A sperm is simply a sperm, not unique in any way, by itself will only ever be a sperm, and has the same DNA as the man it belongs to. A child in the womb, however, is a unique human being, with a DNA makeup unlike any other human being on the planet, and and will develop into a fully functional human being.
I've also heard the analogy that sperm which do not get to implant an egg are likewise being murdered like an unborn child; this analogy is offered, of course, to try and "prove" that there's nothing wrong with aborting an unborn child. See the sperm explanation above, as it's equally applicable here. You don't have a human being until the genetic material from a man and a woman join together in the reproductive environment to create a unique human being.
Then there are the miscarriage analogies offered to justify abortion. Those proffering this argument claim that God must certainly be a great and terrible murderer because of all the miscarriages that occur. Again, that holds about as much water as a Kleenex.
Miscarriages are a naturally-occurring event and an unfortunate consequence of the fallen world in which we live. God no more wants to see unborn children die in miscarriages than he wants to see born children die of disease or accident, and he is complicit in neither. On the other hand, an abortion is a willful and intentional act of murder that ends the life of a child in the womb, a child that, if unhindered by the abortionist, would reach full development and become a fully functional human being. A miscarriage and an abortion can no more logically or scientifically be compared than can a man falling dead of a heart attack, and a man being shot by a murderer.
It can certainly be interesting sometimes to see people twist themselves into logical pretzels and ignore the science that many so fervently worship. Especially when this is done in pursuit of justification of undisciplined human passion.
Maybe it makes the Free Love Folk feel better about their culpability in the deaths of a million unborn children each year. But is it compelling to the thinking individual? No. Does it dress up the immorality of ending a human life? No. Is God fooled by it? No. Are some people fooled by it? I don't know; are you?
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Bad Arguments to Justify Heinous Acts
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The pro-abortion motto seems to be, "If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with b******t."
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