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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rush Limbaugh May Pass on Supporting GOP Nominee

Seems I'm not the only conservative becoming resigned to sitting out this primary...and maybe this election.

NewsMax reports Rush Limbaugh said today, "I can see possibly not supporting the Republican nominee this election, and I never thought that I would say that in my life."

Why would the Majority Maker say this?

“Wherever you go here in this roster of candidates, you're going to be able to point out ‘not conservative, what he did there is not conservative’” Rush said.

The Republican front-runners want the nomination “because it's their turn,” he also stated. “We tried that in '96 with Bob Dole and now they're running the same scenario…

"I'm telling ya, it's gonna come down to which guy do we dislike the least. And that's not necessarily good."

After Rush’s pronouncements, Los Angeles Times blogger Andrew Malcolm wrote: “Across the country, people were dropping their coffee cups, choking on sandwiches, fainting and driving off the road. The king of conservative talk radio not supporting the Republican nominee?”

I figure the only way Rush may support one of the remaining candidates is if he reaches the conclusion that the alternative would simply be too damaging to the country.

And since he's said what many other conservatives are saying (that a Republican who governs like a Democrat does more strategic damage to the conservative cause than a Democrat president), that's probably not likely.

With the primary electorate having already demonstrated a willingness to sell out principle for the promise of "mainstream" media-defined "electability," and compliantly accept the choices the "mainstream" media is feeding them, this is quickly turning into a "1996 Bob Dole" campaign on the GOP side. And for those of you with a short memory, that was a pathetic GOP campaign.

Are you ready to say "President Clinton" again?


Anonymous said...


Who *really* cares what Limbaugh thinks? I mean really, this guy has proven to be a fool par excellence by his own actions and life choices which affirm this in an abundance beyond the number of Halcyon in a pharmacy!

Limbaugh, O Reilley , Beck....these guys are spittle choking entertainers, they make me laugh all the time!

I would think only single white trash mothers in trailer parks listen to Limbaugh...waiting for the Dr.Laura program.

Enough of Bush and the Republican stain, their mess will take the next century or more to clean up and by that time....well...

Limbaugh, good grief!!!! That is funny! If he doesn't vote, it means he is not exercising his 'democratic' right and he might as well move to China.! What a loser!

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