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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, November 09, 2007

Voting for a Christian?

Matt Friedeman has an excellent column at OneNewsNow, one that every Christian should read.

He points out that while Christians should, as Supreme Court Justice John Jay said, "prefer Christians" for public office, Christians cannot simply vote blindly for someone who calls themselves "Christian."

Read his column for many examples of why such a cavalier approach is so dangerous.

Don't vote for a non-Christian ... an unbeliever? This columnist has grown much more wary of the Christians who tout their beliefs, then find a way to live contrary to the Judeo-Christian ethic at nearly every turn on some of the most crucial social issues of our day.

Whether George W. Bush, or Bill Clinton, or Mitt Romney, or Hillary Rodham Clinton, there is a nice line out of Scripture that we should keep in mind much more than the religious declarations of candidates positioning themselves for votes and approval:

By their fruit ye shall know them.



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