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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Huckabee's 'Compassion Problem'

Don Feder's column last week examines Mike Huckabee's "compassion problem."

Feder echoes many of my sentiments on Huckabee's candidacy:

Abortion and marriage are make-or-break issues for me. But, uncompassionate conservative that I am, I also care about taxes and spending, secure borders, the economy, crime and the Constitution.

I'm not alone. Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly says Huckabee "destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party in shambles," Schlafly charges, "Yet some of the same evangelicals who sold us on George W. Bush as a 'compassionate conservative' are now trying to sell us on Huckabee." Call the Better Business Bureau.

Richard Viguerie, as principled and tough-minded as anyone on the right, observes, "But while Gov. Huckabee stands strong on some issues like abortion that are important to social conservatives, a careful examination of his record as governor reveals that he is just another wishy-washy Republican who enthusiastically promotes big government" -- which is why Time Magazine thought Huckabee was one of the nation's five best governors. Time doesn't hand out awards for cutting taxes and reducing spending.

Feder's piece goes on to catalogue a variety of areas where Huckabee's credentials don't exactly reflect conservatism.

If you're considering Huckabee, or in any fashion looking for a conservative candidate to support, I'd encourage you to read the whole piece.


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