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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Female Corporate Leaders Out-Earn Men

What happened to that "glass ceiling?"

From Reuters:

Female directors in corporate America earned median compensation of $120,000, based on the most recently available pay data, compared with $104,375 for male board members, research group The Corporate Library said in its annual director pay report on Wednesday.

I'm sure feminists will still find some reason to bellyache and say it isn't fair.


Anonymous said...

yes indeed. and senator clinton STILL has the gender wage gap myth published on her website. it is a lie. and in major cities in the USA young women right out of college make MORE than their male peers....but Mrs. Clinton doesnt mention that on her website. Wake up America. The press will not do your research for you. It has it's own interests and agenda to look out for. You have to go out and get the information yourself. The wage gap myth is based upon AVERAGE wages paid to each gender. Considering the fact that many women work part time and in low paying professions (waitresses and school teachers come to mind) of course they AVERAGE out to make less. But when you look at actual peers with equivalent education, experience, expertice, etc, you find that women make as much or more than men with the same qualifications. As the HR lady told me, "there are many reasons why one person would not make as much as somebody else in the same job". But if the education, experience, dedication and talent are equivalent, the pay will be the same....UNLESS there is a quota to hire a woman (then the pay will actually be more for the woman). Ain't affirmative action grand?

Dakota Voice
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