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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, November 09, 2007

Educational Arrogance

You've probably heard the word "arrogance" before, and may even know the meaning of the word. Need an example of elitist arrogance?

From CNS News:

A conservative civil liberties group said it will proceed with a lawsuit against the Portland, Maine, School Committee for refusing the reconsider its policy on prescription contraceptives for middle school students as young as 11.


Anonymous said...

The Rutherford Institute and the Alliance Defense Fund, among others, have done yeoman's work trying to hold back the atheists and secularists who insist they know what's best for our children and America. But I don't understand otherwise sincere believing Christians allowing these things to happen to their kids. If I had children in public school in many districts I would work three jobs and do without all luxuries in life to get those kids out of that environment.

I do not understand why there is not a massive movement among Bible-believing denominations to start Christian schools and leave the public school systems to decay as they will. Educational arrogance cannot be countered with parental abandonment.

Having been raised Roman Catholic and converting to fundamental Christian beliefs years ago, I understand the theological criticisms leveled against the Roman Church; but, I admire the Catholic committment to building schools and educating their children in their beliefs. Protestans could learn a little from our Catholic friends.

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