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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, November 09, 2007

Speak Up and Speak Out

Tiffany Leach has a good post at the Argus Leader Voices on having an opinion and standing behind it.

While a lot of men--especially married ones--might find it hard to believe, it seems some women "go dark" when asked on the street by the newspaper for their opinion.

I have no problem finding men to give their opinion, but women say, “No comment,” or “I don’t have an opinion.” How is it that we’re living in an age where women demand to have a voice, but the minute they are given a small platform to exercise that right, they prefer not to use it? Or they have an opinion but they say, “Oh, I’d rather not have my name on it.”

Why not? Afraid we'll offend somebody?

Leach closes with a thought which I share, one I hold against many conservatives who are plenty willing to bellyache, but unwilling to get involved in the political process or even speak out in the media about their opinion on the issues:
In my book, you don’t have an opinion until you have the nerve to put your name on it. The easy way out is to stand in the corner and grumble.


Anonymous said...

Well said. That, in a nutshell, is the problem with many conservatives and Christians. The Left isn't afraid to let us know what they think, are they? While they intentionally get in our faces and make demands, we withdraw to our corner and whisper among ourselves but are reluctant to confront the evil, fearing we might be judged too judgmental! Ironic, isn't it!?

Carrie K. Hutchens said...

"In my book, you don’t have an opinion until you have the nerve to put your name on it. The easy way out is to stand in the corner and grumble."

Not to mention those who knowingly make libelous comments using the AKA of Anonymous! They don't mind be guilty of libel -- they just don't want to be held accountable for being guilty of it!

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