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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Settled Science Not So Settled

According to Al Gore, the "science is settled" on global warming. There is "consensus." Only flat-earther types disagree with him. Well, not really.

From CNS News comes the story of how the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)--the group that's pushing the "global warming" fantasy the hardest--can't even agree themselves.

Of the 54 scientists who completed the survey, less than half said a 1-degree Celsius increase is "flatly undesirable." Sixty-one percent of the respondents said there is no such thing as an "ideal climate."

While as many as 90 percent of respondents said man-made carbon emissions "are driving or helping to drive global climate change," only 20 percent said human activity is the "principle driver of climate change." Sixty-three percent said human activity is a driver but that "natural variability is also important."

And we're supposed to wreck our economy based on this kind of "consensus" from the people pushing this malarky?


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