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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, November 15, 2007

Praying for Rain

You might recall a week or two ago when Governor Sonny Purdue of Georgia called a day of prayer for rain to relieve that state's drought, he received a lot of mocking and criticism from the God-haters. Our nation has held times of prayer before we achieved independence, and countless times since then. We even have an annual National Day of Prayer to pray for our nation. Atheists don't have to like it, but bellyaching about "separation of church and state" is utter nonsense.

Well, the last laugh is on them as the Washington Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and other media sources have reported that rain followed the prayers.

This from Brandon R. Vallorani at American Vision:

Despite the bleak outlook on Tuesday, the weather made a dramatic and unexpected turn on Wednesday. A cold front stretching from Alabama to southern Pennsylvania swept across the east bringing several Thunderstorms and desperately needed rain to the Southeast. Why such a sudden change in the forecast? I believe God was answering a specific and public prayer.

Vallorani recounts what happened when the rain came:
When I heard that the governor had called a prayer vigil for rain, I stayed tuned to the news to watch for any change in the weather. I lifted up a simple prayer to the Lord that evening asking Him to demonstrate His power and to show America that He is sovereign over all. The next morning the radio announcers on 94.9 FM WUBL mentioned that God was answering prayer and rain was now in the forecast. Later that evening we incorporated the into our family worship. I took this rare opportunity to show my children the radar maps and teach them that God answers prayer. While I was teaching, you could hear the rain begin to pound the roof of our house. It was an event that we will never forget.

Can I or anyone prove that this rain came as a result of God answering a prayer? Of course not. But can anyone prove it would have happened without God's intervention? Uh, no they can't.

I believe it was in 2006 that Governor Mike Rounds declared a day (or week?) of prayer for rain in our parched state of South Dakota. And within days the rain began to fall, and the worst drought areas in the state were downgraded and it even began to green up in August out here in the dry West River area (West River is almost NEVER green in August). Brookings got a record 9 inches of rain that month.

God or coincidence, both here and in Georgia? You be the judge for yourself...but my money's on God.


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