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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Explaining Roberts' Endorsement of Giuliani

Fox News has a transcript from Hannity and Colmes last night where Pat Robertson was interviewed about his endorsement of Rudy Giuliani for President. This endorsement has been difficult for most people to understand, given Giuliani's pro-abortion pro-homosexual stance.

ROBERTSON: It really doesn't matter what your belief is if the courts nullify what you do. Whether you're a president or a governor or a state legislator, if it has been ruled a constitutional right to abort a child, then the legislators are powerless.

And so I'm interested in judges. I think in the last election, in my opinion, the three most important issues were judges, judges, and judges. And I think it's still that way in terms of abortion.

COLMES: By the way, as mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani appointed 75 judges to three different courts, the ones the New York Mayor gets the right to appoint, and Democrats outnumbered Republicans eight-to-one.

In fact, one of the judges he appointed was head of the International Association of Lesbian and Gay Judges. Why would you believe, based on his record of mayor of New York and who he appoint, that he would do anything different as president of the United States?

ROBERTSON: Well, I think he's telling the truth. I mean, you could say, well, he's a liar, but he has assured the American people who his standards are. And he picked a man as one of his chief advisers who was solicitor general of the United States, and he's a staunch conservative, and I think he'll help him in the selection of the judges. But I'm just taking him at his word as to what he's going to do as president.

I think it's very naive to take someone at their word that they'll do a certain thing, when their stated belief and past actions are contrary to what they say they'll do. Remember the story of the frog and the scorpion crossing the river?

Here's how Sean Hannity, who has been a Giuliani supporter for many months, defended Roberts and Giuliani:
HANNITY: Thank you for being with us. I want to point out two things just for clarification points here. On the judges that Rudy did appoint, he did have an advisory council, and this is a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans nearly eight-to-one, and so he chose from a limited number of those.

I'm sorry, I just don't buy this. There were no well qualified Republican candidates Giuliani could have considered? And what happens if President Giuliani has a Democrat congress to deal with? Oh well, I guess Giuliani will have to appoint a cross-dressing judge to the Supreme Court because he has to work with a Democrat congress.

Sorry, that boat don't float.


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