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Friday, November 16, 2007

Mexican Immigration Laws

Liberals here in the States want to give illegals drivers licenses, as the Hillary/Spitzer controversy of the last week or so has illustrated.

But do they give illegals a drivers license in Mexico?

From Fox News:

Because of the number of illegal Mexicans residing in the U.S., America's southern neighbor has battled to open the licensing process in all 50 states.

But licensing offices in all of Mexico's 31 states -- and Mexico City -- told The Arizona Republic that proof of citizenship is required.

According to the Constitution Party newsletter which I received yesterday, here are some additional immigration requirements you face in Mexico:

- If you migrate to Mexico, you must speak Spanish

- No unskilled workers are allowed

- No special bilingual programs

- Foreigners can't vote or hold political office

- Foreigners may buy only certain lands

- Foreigners may not protest, wave a foreign flag or organize politically

- If you come to Mexico illegally, you will be hunted down and sent to jail.

Now why is it a third world country can figure this out, but we can't? Maybe because they don't have the Democrat Party (and RINOs) working to destroy their country...


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