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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, November 12, 2007

How Do You Show Support for the Troops?

The Democrat propaganda machine at Badlands Blue has a joke piece up entitled "Support Our Troops: Vote Democratic!" There, they try to blame everything from the Battle of Bull Run to any failure in Iraq on Republicans while painting themselves as ultra-patriotic lovers of the U.S. military.

After I got done laughing at such a transparent attempt to rehabilitate their image, I thought I'd recount how Democrats actually "support our troops:"

- Dick Durbin compares our troops to Nazis and communist thugs

- John Murtha accuses our Marines of being murderers

- Democrat leaders (Pelosi) visit terrorist states like Syria who are supporting terrorists killing our troops

- Democrats make excuses for Iran, which is a leading sponsor of terrorism and which is supplying those who are attacking our troops and innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also try to tie the hands of the president from dealing with this very real threat.

- Democrats crafted a plan to divert intelligence resources to study "global warming"

- Democrats undermine military morale and readiness with plans to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the U.S. military.

- Democrat Dennis Kucinich and some others undermine our efforts to wipe out terrorism in Iraq and build a stable democracy there by continuing to call our efforts an "illegal occupation"

- Even Australian Prime Minister John Howard recognizes that the continual push by Democrats to engineer a premature troop withdrawal from Iraq brings "comfort to Al-Qaeda insurgents"

- Democrats focus on everything we have NOT achieved, and ignore everything we HAVE achieved...and exploit deficiencies for political gain

- Democrats toy with military readiness by tacking "hate crime" legislation onto a defense spending bill.

- Democrat Chuck Schumer says violence in Anbar has gone down DESPITE the surge, not because of it, and insults the troops by saying they're incapable of protecting civilians from al-Qaida.

- Democrat spin groups call General Petraeus a traitor with their "General Betray-Us" ad, and 25 Senate Democrats (including Clinton, Boxer, Byrd, Dodd, Durbin, Feingold, Harkin, Kennedy, Kerry, Levin, Reid, and Schumer) refuse to condemn it

- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared "the war is lost." (Great move to inspire the troops, Harry)

In fact, all of these examples demonstrate exemplary Democrat "support for the troops," don't they? What's that old saying about having friends like these...


Carrie K. Hutchens said...

... who needs enemies! However, at least with the enemy peoples, you know you are dealing with someone that doesn't have your best interest at heart! Oh... nevermind... guess that now goes for the democrat-types you mentioned as well!

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