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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Page Got a "Better Deal"

I haven't seen the need to say a whole lot in the aftermath of Elijah Page's execution last night. I take no joy in his death, but do feel gratitude that justice was finally served, if 6+ years overdue.

I did, however, come across a story and a quote worth drawing attention to. It's from In Forum News, and it goes a long way in explaining why I found the media's violins and sobbing--along with a few others--so disgusting. Beyond the need for justice, the inordinate focus on the murderer has been offensive to reason, propriety and the facts. Why?

Attorney General Larry Long, a death penalty supporter who attended Wednesday night's execution, said people should remember "the stark contrast between the clinical, really professional and I think painless death Elijah Page got as opposed to the hours-long torture and pain Chester Poage got."

"He got a way better deal than Chester Poage got," Long said.


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