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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sacrifices to the gods of Convenience and Prosperity

Sibby points to an editorial in the Argus Leader today.

The piece has a lot of truth in it, but the last line struck me as exceptionally indicting to our culture:

Today, we sacrifice our children to different gods: convenience and money.

The author, Christopher C. Fisher, hearkened back to the the despicable religious practices of the Canaanites, specifically the worship of Molech.

For those who aren't familiar with this false god, people would sacrifice their children to this god. And they didn't do it in the usual (but still despicable) way of just killing them with a knife. They would heat up the bottom of the statue of this god with fire, then throw their children into the open arms of this "god" to be burned alive.

Why would people do such a thing? Prosperity. They believed sacrificing their children to this god would make their lives better.

Which is why some Canaanite people also entombed one of their children alive inside the walls of a newly built house: it was supposed to bring good luck and prosperity on the household.

Why do we kill (sacrifice?) our unborn children today? I'm firmly convinced that in almost all cases, we believe that our lives will be better without the child. We'll be able to pursue our career goals. We'll have more money for a better house. We'll be able to afford that new car. We'll have the money for that big vacation we've been planning for. We'll be able to do the things WE want to do.

If we'll just sacrifice that unborn child to the god of abortion, our lives will be better.

God judged the people of Canaan harshly for their evil ways. He sent the people of Israel into Canaan with instructions to wipe them out utterly. The Canaanites did a lot of bad things, but child sacrifice was among the very worst.

Today, we sacrifice about a million children a year to the god of convenience and money.

Have we acted any differently than these primitive people in Canaan?

Will we escape the judgment that they did not?


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