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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Chinese Drilling Off the Coast of United States

CNS News says the communist Chinese are doing what we aren't smart enough to do here in America: drill for oil off the coast of the United States.

The country which is ideologically and economically opposed to the United States; that captured one of our military planes a few years ago, held our troops, then eventually sent them home along with the plane sawed up into parts; this country which is building it's military with American dollars is drilling for oil (which will undoubtedly support it's military) off the coast of the United States, while Americans pay unprecedented gas prices and are too timid to drill off the coast or anywhere else on our own land!

"Do congressional Democrats actually believe China has more ingenuity and more concern for the environment than the United States?" Republicans asked.

If anyone does, I have some ocean-front property in Arizona I'd like to sell them. From my front porch I can see the sea!

It's time to relegate environmental extremists to the far-out-in-Left-field place they came from and get serious about energy policy.

It's time to Drill Here, Drill Now!


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