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Friday, June 13, 2008

'Persons' Can Overturn Roe v Wade

OneNewsNow says bills defining unborn human beings as "persons" have been introduced in both the U.S. House and Senate.

The "Life at Conception Act" declares the unborn to be persons under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, addressing the question that Senator Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi) says the Supreme Court left unresolved in 1973 -- and that only Congress can use to meet the conditions under which the high court said its conclusions supporting legal abortion can be reversed.

"Roe versus Wade itself said that if personhood is established, then Ms. Roe's position collapsed," Wicker points out. "In other words, if the fetus is a human life, then that is guaranteed specifically by the 14th Amendment."

Ms. Roe her self (Norma McCorvey) actually collapsed her own position...yet abortion remains the law of the land by judicial fiat.

McCorvey, who has become a Christian since the 1973 decision, has admitted she lied about being raped, and never even had the abortion that Roe v. Wade petitioned for; she gave her daughter up for adoption.

She has also since petitioned to have the Roe v. Wade decision overturned, but was denied.

The new bills have been cosponsored by such notable figures as Rep. Duncan "Should Have Been the GOP Presidential Nominee" Hunter and Senator Sam "Wouldn't Have Been a Bad Choice Either" Brownback.

Since the unborn child has from conception DNA unique from the mother's (meaning the child is not a part of the mother, but is a separate, distinct person) and already has a beating heart by the time many women know they're pregnant, it's no leap to conclude that the unborn child is indeed a person--entitled to the most basic of all rights: the right to life.


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