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Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Southern Baptist President Comes from Church with Ministry to Homosexuals

Focus on the Family's CitizenLink reports the Southern Baptists have elected a new president, Rev. Johnny Hunt of First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Georgia.

He is said to be a conservative, and Southern Baptists have been in a tug-of-war (as have many Protestant denominations) for decades between liberal and conservative elements.

The article also mentions that Pastor Hunt's church is part of the Exodus Church Network, which is an interdenominational network of churches which minister to homosexuals while holding to Biblical sexual standards.

This is an area where more churches need to be active. Like any addictive sin, homosexuality can be difficult to achieve victory over, and people who want to be free of bondage to homosexuality are much more likely to succeed if they have the support of a good Bible-believing church. Some churches have ministries to alcoholics and drug addicts, but more are needed for all these trouble areas.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says the church at Corinth was made up for former drunks, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals and swindlers; Paul said that is what some of them were. Today's Church is no different (I'm a former drunk).

Hopefully Pastor Hunt's commitment to ministry to homosexuals will take even greater hold all across the Southern Baptist denomination (and other denominations). Jesus came to set the captives free, so that is also a part of the mission of His Church.


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