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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Pedophiles Skirt the Legal System

From KOTA:

A year ago, 70 percent of California voters approved Jessica's Law, which bars registered sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a school or a park where children gather. That leaves few places where offenders can live legally.

And now, hundreds of sex offenders are declaring themselves homeless -- whether or not they really are. And that's making it difficult for the state to track them.

Experts say it's hard to monitor people who lie about their address or who live day-to-day in cheap hotels or shelters, or on the street. And they say it also means the offenders may not be getting the treatment they need.

A therapist who's been chairman of the state Coalition on Sexual Offending says, "We could potentially be making the world more dangerous rather than less dangerous."

Do we really expect people who would take advantage sexually of children to be open and honest with us?

Given the high recidivism rate of child molesters, maybe we should just leave these people behind bars, where we know they won't be able to harm children again? Wouldn't that be a novel idea: worry about society's safety more than a convicted criminal's "rights?"


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