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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hillary's Dismal Debate Performance

The Politico has harsh words regarding Hillary Clinton's debate performance last night:

In a debate against six Democratic opponents at Drexel University here Tuesday, Clinton gave the worst performance of her entire campaign.

It was not just that her answer about whether illegal immigrants should be issued drivers’ licenses was at best incomprehensible and at worst misleading.

It was that for two hours she dodged and weaved, parsed and stonewalled.

They also noticed another characteristic often displayed by Hillary Clinton:
Perhaps just as bad was her general tone and demeanor. All of her opponents seemed passionate about one issue or another. But Clinton seemed largely emotionless and detached, often just mouthing rehearsed answers from her briefing book.

If Hillary Clinton wasn't such a mean woman who hates all her country traditionally stands for, I'd feel very sad for her; as it is, I feel a little of that, but realize that when you try to play things the way she does, this is what you'll often get.

Hillary Clinton, I believe, realizes that she cannot let the American people see what she really thinks, what she really believes. They already see a lot of it, and for those who even casually like traditional America, it scares the daylights out of them. Very few know the real Hillary Clinton, and even she knows that if more did, she wouldn't have the proverbial snowball's chance at the White House.

So she tries to paint herself as this sweet, feminine woman who bakes cookies except when she's definitely NOT baking cookies, and tries to straddle both sides of the fence to make everyone, regardless of their own personal opinions, like her and believe in her. She reminds me of that scene near the end of Terminator 2 where the liquid metal T-1000 terminator falls into the vat of molten steel and keeps changing shapes faster and faster trying to get away from the heat, but in the end can't change fast enough.

What a schizophrenic lifestyle to force yourself to live under! If she weren't such a threat to the America we have known and still know today, I'd deeply pity her. However, since I know without a doubt she would take us down a dark path of misery and destruction, I only hope the American people see her for what she is, and look elsewhere for a candidate.

I don't agree with Obama or Edwards or any of the other Democrat candidates, but at least they, compared to Clinton, have the courage to tell us most of what they believe in. How can people even consider supporting someone for president when they can't even know for sure who they're supporting?


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