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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

More Historical Revisionism

From a recent article at WorldNetDaily, it appears the history revisionists have been up to their work again. This time, they tried to erase recognition of the capstone on the top of the Washington Monument which is inscribed with the Latin words "Laus Deo" or "Praise to God."

But rather than be quiet and act too timid to stand up for America's Christian heritage, it looks like 28,000 people contacted the National Park Service and reversed this dastardly deed.

From WorldNetDaily:

The actual 100-ounce aluminum cap on the peak of the 555-foot stone monolith includes engravings on its four sides. Since the inscriptions are not legible from the ground, the Park Service displayed a replica inside the monument but placed the side with "Laus Deo" against a wall so it couldn't be seen.

David Barna, director of communications and public affairs for the Park Service in Washington, told WND the original placement of the replica was a mistake and the concealment of the reference to God wasn't intentional.

He said the Park Service got 28,000 e-mails today raising the issue.

"It was stupid," he told WND. "We're going to fix it.

I might have believed that the placement of the replica capstone in such a way as to hide the words was a mistake. However, when you consider that they also removed the reference to these words in the description on the display...well, I'm not buying that one.

That's pretty conclusive proof that they tried to erase yet another reference to America's Christian heritage, and the fact that the American people have publicly honored God before and since we became a nation.

If you're a secularist, you don't have to like our Christian heritage. But to lie about it and try to erase it is despicable. It's also proof that they know full well the facts aren't on their side.


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