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Friday, January 19, 2007

Sexual Responsibility Not Just for Bible Thumpers

It seems sexual responsibility isn't just for unmarried Bible thumpers.

The Chicago Sun-Times features an article from two days ago entitled "No sex, thanks: In our erotically superheated society, celebs, and people next door, are reclaiming chastity."

Some interesting excerpts:

Michele, 39, a divorced mother of two, has been celibate for six months. She broke up with the man she loved because he "didn't want to be accountable." She decided: "Not only do you not deserve my body, you don't deserve my time."


Some celebs have spoken publicly about keeping their pants on. Kirstie Alley told Oprah she was celibate for 4½ years; singer Pink wore white to her wedding after a celibate engagement; Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo eclipsed his two-year celibacy pledge by six months before getting engaged a year ago and married last May.


"We talk about 'secondary virginity,' but usually we just say 'starting over,' " said Cori Moschberger, executive director of Caris Services, a 10-year-old abstinence education program serving 37 local public schools. "No matter what you did in the past, you can always make a decision to be abstinent until marriage."


"I feel my decision to be sexually involved with my husband before marriage blinded me to character issues, created a false sense of intimacy and distracted us from building an honest friendship," she said. They were married nearly five years. After the breakup, her decision was to practice abstinence.

"He was the only person I had sex with, he was my first, there were no pregnancies, no STDs [sexually transmitted diseases], but the consequences were much greater than they would have been if we'd waited," she said.


"Sure, I have been tempted to give it up," she said, "but I have to realize that if the man isn't willing to wait for me until I am ready, then he is not worthy of having me. The man who is willing to wait until he places a diamond on my left ring finger is the right man for me."


As a teenager, Gonzalez said, casual sex caused "a lot of negative consequences in my life, broken relationships, objectifying women and using them for my own purposes." Instead of intimacy, sex brought "more brokenness." When he became a Christian, he vowed no sex until marriage.


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