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Saturday, January 20, 2007

James Abourezk Rubs Shoulders with Communists

The latest column from Cliff Kincaid, editor of Accuracy in Media, is about "The Communist-influenced "Media Reform" Movement."

He tells us about the latest media Bush-bashing fest:

Having previously reported on the participation of Revolutionary Communist Party members at the “National Conference on Media Reform,” I can now confirm that members of the old Soviet-line Communist Party USA were there, too.

One of the commies, Teresa Albano, tells a good one: "...targeting the big corporate and right-wing interests that have taken over the news and other sources of information." Now that I've picked myself up off the floor from laughing so hard, I wonder how this lunatic gets "taken over the news" from Fox News, talk radio and a few blogs. I guess ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, et al just don't count, huh?

One of the things this Pravda-like bunch is selling is a re-institution of the (un)Fairness Doctrine which used to muzzle conservatives from getting their message out in the liberal dominated media.

South Dakota's own Jim Abourezk is hanging out with good company these days (actually, I don't think it's changed much):

...a National Press Club news conference sponsored by the “World Can’t Wait” coalition, which wants President Bush and his “regime” removed from office. Interestingly, Taylor serves on the advisory board of the coalition. Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, notes that, “Some of the founders of World Can’t Wait are public supporters” of the RCP and cites Sunsara Taylor as one example. This would appear to lend credence to the suspicion that World Can’t Wait is nothing but a front organization of the RCP.

Other members of the World Can’t Wait advisory board are James Abourezk, former U.S. Senator, South Dakota; Rosemary Candelario, pro-abortion activist; Warren Hern MD, physician and pro-abortion activist; Mark Leno, California State Assembly; Mark Crispin Miller, professor & writer; Tomas Olmos, attorney; Boots Riley, hip hop performer; Lynne Stewart, attorney; Gore Vidal, writer; and Howard Zinn, historian.

Stewart, of course, is the attorney convicted of aiding an Islamic terrorist group.

Other speakers at the January 4 press conference included Cindy Sheehan and John Nichols, a writer for The Nation and co-founder of Free Press, the sponsor of the media reform conference.


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