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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, January 14, 2007

Integrity Ball

I went to the First Annual Northern Hills Integrity Ball last night in Spearfish. This event is modeled somewhat after the purity balls that many of you have already heard about.

While the purity ball is for fathers and daughters, the integrity ball is for mothers and sons. The sons get to take their mothers out for an evening of fine dining and fun, while reinforcing that young men should remain abstinent until marriage. The evening was coat and tie minimum, so it wasn't slouchy at all, but was very classy.

After the dinner, a young woman spoke about her experiences with abstinence, then Pastor Luke Baker, Youth Pastor at South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City, spoke, and then attenders were treated to a "clean" comedian from Wyoming. Mothers and sons also got to dance before the evening ended.

I'll be posting an article in much greater detail later today or possibly tomorrow morning about the event.

Many of the young men there last night will prove, despite what liberals say, that it's possible to, as Pastor Baker put it, "separate yourself from the animal kingdom" (more on that later).


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