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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Others Question Preschool Plan

Seems it isn't just us Right-wing nut jobs that are questioning this preschool plan.

The Mitchell Daily Republic features the op/ed "Questioning pre-K program" today.

First, the cost for the program is expected to be about $1.5 million, half of which would be paid for by the state. If the program was to be expanded, as the governor hopes, what would costs be then, and who would pay?

Second, the ramifications of the state dabbling in preschool education make us wonder what it could lead to. Could forced attendance of preschool or kindergarten — which is not required in this state — be on the horizon?

Of course, they're in the same town as my fellow Right-wing blogger Sibby, so I'm sure he's just contaminated them. ;-)


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