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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Yet Another Reason to Protect Marriage

Yet another (and maybe the most important) reason to protect marriage is the welfare of children who might be forced to grow up in a home with two homosexuals.

There isn't a whole lot of data available on what it's actually like for children to grow up in a homosexual home, but what there is casts a pallor over the situation.

I just read this morning about Dawn Stefanowicz who was raised in a homosexual home. Her testimony has a lot to say about subjecting children to this kind of lifestyle:

I have considered some of the potential physical and psychological health risks for children raised in this situation. I was at high risk of exposure to contagious STDs due to sexual molestation, my father's high-risk sexual behaviors, and multiple partners. Even when my father was in what looked like monogamous relationships, he continued cruising for anonymous sex.
Morally bankrupt judges are already allowing some of these situations to exist even now, but if marriage is hijacked by homosexual activists, the floodgates will open to this sort of thing, and even more children will suffer for it.

Here is what Dawn has to say about the value of a normal home with a mother and father:
Not only do children do best with both a mother and a father in a lifelong marriage bond, children need responsible monogamous parents who have no extramarital sexual partners. Parental promiscuity, abuse and divorce are not good for children. If same-sex marriage is legalized, a person, couple or group who practice any form of sexual behavior would eventually be able to obtain children through previous heterosexual relationships, new reproductive technologies, and adoption due to the undefined term sexual orientation. This would force all public and private adoption agencies to hand over children into experimental relationships or risk charges of discrimination.
Did she love her father? Of course she did. But
I felt abandoned and neglected as my needs were not met since my father would often leave suddenly to be with his partners for days. His partners were not really interested in me. I was outraged at the incidences of same-sex domestic abuse, sexual advances toward minors, and loss of sexual partners as if people were only commodities. I sought comfort looking for my father's love from boyfriends starting at 12 years old.
What was it like growing up in a homosexual home:
From a young age, I was exposed to explicit sexual speech, self-indulgent lifestyles, varied GLBT subcultures and gay vacation spots. Sex looked gratuitous to me as a child. I was exposed to all-inclusive manifestations of sexuality including bathhouse sex, cross-dressing, sodomy, pornography, gay nudity, lesbianism, bisexuality, minor recruitment, voyeurism and exhibitionism. Sado-masochism was alluded to and aspects demonstrated. Alcohol and drugs were often contributing factors to lower inhibitions in my father's relationships.

My father prized unisex dressing, gender-neutral aspects and a famous cross-dressing icon when I was eight years old. I did not see the value of biological complementing differences of male and female or think about marriage. I made vows to never have children since I had not grown up in a safe, sacrificial, child-centered home environment. Due to my life experience, I ask, "Can children really perform their best academically, financially, psychologically, socially and behaviorally in experimental situations?"
What was the long-term effect on this child (now an adult):
Over two decades of direct exposure to these stressful experiences caused me insecurity, depression, suicidal thoughts, dread, anxiousness, low self-esteem, sleeplessness and sexuality confusion. My conscience and innocence were seriously damaged. I witnessed that every other family member suffered severely as well.
I have said it before and I'll say it again: turning a blind eye to an immoral and destructive lifestyle is NEVER the "compassionate" thing to do.

When voters approve Amendment C next Tuesday, they will be doing so for a variety of reasons. They will be preserving the sacred institution of marriage, but they will be making a vote to protect untold numbers of children who could suffer in households lacking the stability and balance of a mother/father home.


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