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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pack of Whiners

What a bunch of losers! :-) The whiners at Coat Hangers at Dawn are too cheap to go out and buy a newspaper so they can see the the names of the doctors they've been carping for who support life. (Maybe they should just call themselves "Big Whiners at Dawn")

Okay, just for you cheapo pro-aborts, I've uploaded a much larger copy you can access by clicking the smaller image. It's 1674 x 2996 pixels (which is considerably bigger than will fit on a screen in it's entirety), so hopefully you can read it now.

About 165 or so doctors, by my rough but fairly accurate count. And who knows how many were never even contacted about doing the ad...

Oh, since you need to be spoon-fed everything, here's the link to the original post with the now much larger linked image:


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