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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pro-Aborts Outdone at Their Own Party

Downtown Rapid City was filled with color and excitement as people from all over the Black Hills rallied to influence voters who are "yet to cast" their vote on November 7th.

The West and East corners of 9th and St. Joe were very different as each side touted their desired outcome on Referred Law 6.

Clearly, the VoteYesForLife folks outnumbered the Vote No for Death side.

The Vote No side rallied with speakers for about 15 minutes while the Vote Yes For Life folks sang songs, waved and cheered as the ongoing sound of approval honks brought affirmation and encouragement.

Notables attending the rallies included for the Vote No on 6 campaign Senator Adelstein, state senate candidate Tom Katus running for the Senate, campaign organizers, staff and local business professionals. Vote Yes For Life had Representative Kraus, Representative Van Etten, state senate candidate Elli Schwiesow, campaign volunteers, organizers, families, high school and college students, retirees and business professionals.

VoteYesForLife had a special balloon lift of 814 balloons which represented the 814 babies lost and women who were hurt by abortion in 2004.

If the honks, waves and turnout for this rally were any indication based on today's downtown display, Referred Law 6 will win on Nov. 7.

Check out some pics below of this exciting event (the middle one is a response to the disingenuous name of the pro-abort group South Dakota Healthy Families--and of course, the third is how some on the other side engage intellectually in the debate):


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