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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Saturday, November 18, 2006

Doing what we taught them

Freak dancing. That's what they call the clothed near-intercourse that goes on in some dancing. Not good even in a night club, but inexcusable at a school function.

From ABC:

Charles Salter has banned all dances until the kids clean up their act, and now parents and schools from California to Connecticut are cheering.

"It's basically when two people are like grinding against each other in a kind of sexual way," Aliso Niguel freshman Kori Roberts says.

Here's the truly sad part:

With steady diet of music videos featuring sexually expressive dance routines and revealing clothes, the kids don't understand why adults don't understand. "We don't really know what else to do," says 14-year-old Sara Saldino. "That's basically what we grew up with. In middle school we were already doing that and watching TV and seeing that. It's what we know."

And these kids are absolutely right in that this kind of behavior is "what we know." Why? Because that's what our society has taught them. That's what we've taught them by allowing it to happen.

A situation where human sexuality is on a level with animals. It's hazardous both to the physical health, and the emotion and spiritual well being. It also does nothing for the nobility and stability of our civilization

It's not only a sad statement on the moral status of the upcoming generation, it's an indictment of the moral failure of our current generation.


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