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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, November 17, 2006

Why Kill It?

There was an interesting Letter to the Editor in the Rapid City Journal today. It pertains primarily to partial birth abortions, but has applicability to other types of abortions as well.

I'd like folks who voted against Referred Law 6 to think it over and answer this question:

Why kill it?

I would appreciate if someone could help me understand better the following:

If abortion isn't murder, why must an abortion doctor first kill a baby before it is yanked from its mother's womb? If it's not alive, why isn't it just yanked out and thrown right in the trash?



If it isn't alive, what does it matter if we poke a hole in its skull and suck it out right before the head is all the way out of the mother? If it isn't alive, why bother ripping it apart before extracting it--after all, wouldn't it be safer to extract "it" in one piece? For that matter, if we aren't ending a human life, why bother with the facade that abortion should be "rare" at all?

If you voted against RL6, please think these questions over. You don't need to answer me; just answer them for yourself...and your God.


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