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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fight for Life Goes On

Letters continue to come in to the Rapid City Journal on either side of the Referred Law 6/abortion issue. I know some of them are trickling in from before the election, but it's obvious that some of them were sent afterward. This issue isn't going to go away.

In the week since the election, I've seen lots of libs bellyache that pro-lifers "just don't get it."

Actually, it's you, the pro-abortion lib, who doesn't get it. Right and wrong doesn't hinge on 51% (or 54% or even 100%) of the vote. It hinges on a universal truth that human beings are created in the image of God and are sacred from conception. That universal truth transcends human opinion, and it always will.

Liberals love to mock Christian conservatives about science and the "omniscience" of science. While science isn't all knowing (it's the search for truth, not truth itself), there is a greater truth that flies over their heads at mach 3: liberals are the ones who ignore science in favor of their religion--the religion of secular humanism.

In this particular case, science overwhelmingly points to the unborn child as a unique human being, even from conception. From the fact that the child has DNA completely unique from the mother or father (from the moment of conception), to the fact that it has a beating heart in about 22 days, to the fact that it can feel pain in just a few weeks (ironically, right around the time when most abortions occur).

The pro-life effort suffered an unmistakable defeat on Nov. 7. But we're not going away. We cannot--and we will not--look at a vote and say, "Okay, that's settled then. The majority has decided the murder of human beings at certain developmental stages is morally correct now, so we can all go home." (How very "scientific" that would be, huh?)

This campaign was the best opportunity in 33 years to educate people about the human dignity of unborn humans. Obviously, the job isn't done, and those of us who value human life--both spiritually and scientifically--will be here to finish the job.

Don't you get it?


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