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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New Tactic In Fighting Marriage Initiatives

The Washington Post has an article featuring how the homosexuals and their "useful idiot" apologists in Arizona were the first and only ones to defeat a marriage amendment.

Here's one of the effective lies they told:

"It's not a liberal-versus-conservative issue," said Steve May, a former Republican state representative who is gay and who served as treasurer of the campaign against Proposition 107. "It's about, 'I don't need to take away health care from Al and Maxine, this nice old couple in Tucson.' "

Response from the marriage amendment proponents:
"They misled voters. They scared seniors into believing they would lose Social Security benefits," said Cathi Herrod, spokeswoman for the pro-107 campaign. "Our problem was we did not have funds to respond to the attacks."

It might have worked here in South Dakota too, but we just kept countering their lies and deceptions at every turn. Sometimes you just have to keep doing that; otherwise, the lies get accepted as truth.

Another thing they had going against them in AZ was a "domestic partner registry" in Tucson that their poster-children, an elderly man and woman, were signed up on.

Unlike all the fear-mongering that went on here about losing privileges heterosexuals might already have, these poster-children actually probably would have lost the benefits bestowed by this registry.

However, they still would have been able to obtain them through the usual channels. It just wouldn't been handed to them on a silver if they were actually married people.

As I've said before, even heterosexual couples shouldn't automatically receive the benefits of making the commitment of marriage. Just like the concept of homosexual "marriage," though not nearly as badly, it cheapens the sacred nature of marriage.

Future states that want to protect marriage from homosexuals and their apologists need to take note of this development...and be prepared to fight it on every front.


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