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Monday, September 18, 2006

South Dakota (Un)Healthy Families Commercial Rebuttal

Received this email this afternoon in response to the new South Dakota Campaign for (Un)Healthy Families TV commercial:

RAPE & INCEST: No recourse for women?
"Note that the confusion about an exception for rape and incest is due to the fact that the language of the bill does not 'specifically' use the words rape and incest... yet this is what is the provision is for ...rape and incest."


Nothing in Sec. 2 of this act may be construed to prohibit the sale, use, prescription or administration of a contraceptive measure, drug or chemical, if it is administered prior to the time when a pregnancy could be determined through conventional medical testing and if the contraceptive measure is sold, used, prescribed, or administered in accordance with manufacturer instruction.

** Also, with Plan B, emergency contraceptives recently approved for over the counter use & in effect today, there is no longer the
excuse that there is 'no recourse' for victims of rape. There is. (this has 'no' effect if the woman is pregnant so is 'not' an abortion pill)

* Of all of the abortions performed because of rape last year in SD, reported by Planned Parenthood, NONE were prosecuted. Why? This is because most rape cases are reported by the parents of minors who report 'statutory rape' as an excuse for an abortion. Pregnancy is so rare in an actual rape that it is likely that 'none' of the abortions were because of the rape.

Section 2:
9 No person may knowingly administer to, prescribe for, or procure for, or sell to any pregnant woman any medicine, drug, or any substance with the specific intent of causing or abetting the termination of the life of an unborn human being. No person may knowingly use or employ any instrument or procedure upon a pregnant woman with the specific intent of causing or abetting the termination of the life of an unborn human being.
24 No licensed physician who performs a medical procedure designed or intended to prevent the death of a pregnant mother is guilty of violating section 2 of this Act. However, the physician shall make reasonable medical efforts under the circumstances to preserve both the life of the mother and the life of her unborn child in a manner consistent with conventional medical practice.

5 Medical treatment provided to the mother by a licensed physician which results in the accidental or unintentional injury or death to the unborn child is not a violation of this statute.'

7 Nothing in this Act may be construed to subject the pregnant mother upon whom any abortion is performed or attempted to any criminal conviction and penalty.


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