I think one of the Leftist blogs is gunning for the Hypocrites of the Year award.
In the same day the extremists at Coat Hangers at Dawn said
We have yet to meet a single person who supports choice who supports late term abortion post viability unless there are severe fetal abnormalities.
just a few hours later they post a piece about the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice filing a brief which defends the barbaric procedure of partial-birth abortion.
The article actually has the audacity to use the term "safest" in connection with this procedure which involves a breach birth in which the child is deliberately and purposefully turned around and brought down the birth canal in the breach position (feet first) which is the most dangerous position in which a child can be born. Why do they turn the child around and intentionally endanger the mother in this manner? So they can suck the child's brains out of the back of its skull when only the top of the head remains inside the mother.
How is this different from infanticide? Because with part of the head still inside the mother, the baby is not yet "born" and is therefore fair game for the killing.
Abortion extremists are so dedicated to protecting abortion at any time for any reason that this bill was vetoed by Clinton TWICE before Bush signed it. Of course, desperate pro-abortionists immediately sued to preserve the gruesome procedure, and there is where it sits.
Dr. Martin Haskell, who has performed more than 1000 of these murders, admits that "probably 20% [of this procedure] are for genetic reasons. And the other 80% are purely elective." Another abortionist, Dr. James McMahon, classified only 9% of over 2000 abortions he performed as being for "maternal health indications," the most common of which was "depression."
It's time everyone faced up to reality: the forces fighting South Dakota's abortion ban, Referred Law 6, have never encountered an abortion they would condemn.
"We have yet to meet a single person who supports choice who supports late term abortion post viability unless there are severe fetal abnormalities"? Go look in the mirror.

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