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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Monday, September 18, 2006

Abortion Blitzkrieg

David Bereit on has an interesting observation on why we're going through this ballot exercise on the already-passed-by-70%-of-the-legislature abortion ban in South Dakota, instead of just going straight to the pro-abortion lawsuit we might have otherwise expected had the law gone into effect in July as scheduled:

When the South Dakota abortion ban was passed, Planned Parenthood instantly realized that a legal challenge of the law could actually result in the reversal of the Roe decision, and shut down its $100 million-dollar-a-year abortion empire. That's why, instead of challenging the abortion ban in court, Planned Parenthood decided on a more radical - and risky - approach: forcing the law to a vote by the people of South Dakota.

This was a risky approach because even the Left knows that South Dakota is overwhelmingly conservative and pro-life.
To combat this reality, Planned Parenthood and its allies immediately went to work planning a massive propaganda campaign to distort and demonize the ban in an effort to convince enough pro-life voters that the ban was "too extreme" in order to get them to vote against it.

Planned Parenthood knows it can't afford to lose in South Dakota, and the abortion chain has already raised millions of dollars around the country to fund their campaign. Now they are calling on abortion activists in all 50 states to hold fundraisers on the weekend of September 29 - October 1 to raise millions more for their South Dakota war chest.
As Tom Daschle's tenure and subsequent end of that tenure illustrate, the only way liberal plans receive approval in South Dakota is when people can be fooled into believing they aren't really as liberal as they seem. When people see liberals and liberal plans for what they are--as they did in 2004--South Dakota voters know what is right and vote accordingly.

You can rest assured that when the voters approve Referred Law 6/HB 1215 on November 7, the pro-abortionists will trot out the lawsuits, but in the meantime they will have taken a gamble that will, if nothing else, have bought them a few months more of abortions...and a few more innocent children killed.


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