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The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, September 18, 2008

Biden's Big Brother Forced Patriotic Charity

Now if this isn't Orwellian: Joe Biden says it's patriotic to force wealthy people to pay higher taxes.

Planet Earth to Biden: when you force someone to do something, there's nothing particularly commendable in their compliance.

From CNS News:

"It's time to be patriotic,” Biden said. “Time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut. And the way to do that is -- they’re still going to pay less taxes than they paid under Reagan.”

I think Biden really understands...and just wants to put lipstick on the pig that is a Marxist progressive tax system.

Patriotism is something done willingly and from the heart; it cannot be enforced, even if acts deemed "patriotic" can be forced.

The same is true of charity and "compassion." Giving of one's wealth and possessions in the name of love and compassion is something done willingly and from the heart. It blesses the one giving and the one receiving.

Indeed, many of the wealthy in our country already do give--even above what they are already gouged for taxes. In fact, Christians and conservatives give far more to charity than those who advocate forced "charity."

Our current Marxist tax system, which forces everyone to give money to others who may or may not deserve it, and penalizes the wealthy for their success and hard work, is a pathetic travesty of justice that blesses no one. People have no choice whether to give or not, and their money is often given to people who do not deserve it--indeed, that largess often enables the recipient to continue in unhealthy or even destructive lifestyles.

If Joe Biden truly wanted to foster patriotic giving, he would advocate a return to our country's historic values: limited government, enumerated powers, personal responsibility, and community service and philanthropy given freely to those genuinely needy.


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden made over $2.4 million in reported income over the last 8 years, and only donated $3,200
according to his disclosed tax returns.

That's not 1/10 of his income, but about 1/1000.

So he doesn't want to give his income, but get us to give ours.

Obama also gave less than 1% of his income, until he started making millions through his book tours.

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