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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, July 17, 2008

South Dakota to Enforce Abortion Informed Consent Saturday

The injunction against enforcement of South Dakota's abortion informed consent law was lifted on June 27, and enforcement of the law is set to begin Saturday July 19, as reported by the Rapid City Journal and sent out a press release this afternoon in conjunction with a post on their blog, and the Rapid City Journal soon followed up with a story.

Planned Parenthood had attempted to block the law, arguing the law interfered with the free speech rights of doctors, but the 8th U.S. Court of Appeals wasn't buying it.

Planned Parenthood presented no evidence to oppose the common understanding that a fetus is a living organism while in the womb, the court majority said.

This was also reported:

"The State's evidence suggests that the biological sense in which the embryo or fetus is whole, separate, unique and living should be clear in context to a physician," Judge Raymond W. Gruender wrote for the majority.

This is something that is pretty clear to most people...most people who aren't invested in a denial of reality. Science tells us that from the moment of conception, the unborn child has human DNA, human DNA which is unique from the mother, making the child not a part of her body with which she can do as she wills, but a separate and unique human being--one that should have rights, not the least of which is the right to life.

As stated by the blog, the requirements abortionists must meet before performing an abortion are as follows:

(1) A statement in writing providing the following information:

(a) The name of the physician who will perform the abortion;

(b) That the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being;

(c) That the pregnant woman has an existing relationship with that unborn human being and that the relationship enjoys protection under the United States Constitution and under the laws of South Dakota;

(d) That by having an abortion, her existing relationship and her existing constitutional rights with regards to that relationship will be terminated;

(e) A description of all known medical risks of the procedure and statistically significant risk factors to which the pregnant woman would be subjected, including:

(i) Depression and related psychological distress;

(ii) Increased risk of suicide ideation and suicide;

(2) A statement by telephone or in person, by the physician who is to perform the abortion, or by the referring physician, or by an agent of both, at least twenty-four hours before the abortion, providing the following information:

(a) That medical assistance benefits may be available for prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care;

(b) That the father of the unborn child is legally responsible to provide financial support for her child following birth, and that this legal obligation of the father exists in all instances, even in instances in which the father has offered to pay for the abortion.

Women considering abortion will soon have more information about their profound decision.

The lie that the unborn child is a "piece of tissue" is unraveling.


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