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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pelosi Uninformed and Out of Touch

In response to President Bush's announcement yesterday that he will call for the lifting of the ban on off-shore drilling, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's office had this news release:

WASHINGTON, July 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on President Bush's announcement lifting the executive ban on drilling in protected coastal areas:
"Once again, the oilman in the White House is echoing the demands of Big Oil.
"The Bush plan is a hoax. It will neither reduce gas prices nor increase energy independence. It just gives millions more acres to the same companies that are sitting on nearly 68 million acres of public lands and coastal areas.
"If the President wants to bring down prices in the next two weeks, not the next two decades, he should free our oil by releasing a small portion of the more than 700 million barrels of oil we have put in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
"It's time to tell the oil industry: 'You already have millions of acres to drill. Use it or lose it.'"
SOURCE Office of the Speaker of the House

Once again calling for opening strategic oil reserves as a way to lower fuel costs for Americans, Pelosi ridicules the plan that most Americans favor to bring future fuel costs into line--increasing production of American oil reserves, i.e., Drill here. Drill now. Pay less.

She claims that oil companies now hold leases on 68 million acres of public land that they have yet to develop. Those leases are only for from 3 to 10 years and most of the land is not likely to produce significant amounts of crude. These leases are intended to give oil companies an opportunity to evaluate the feasibility of drilling and likely production. The inventorying and exploration of these lands are extremely expensive and time-consuming. Off-shore and Alaskan deposits are much more likely to be productive and require less time and money to bring to market. Fancy Nancy's plan to bring prices down in "two weeks" is short-sighted and frankly, stupid. She is, however, being faithful to her far-left enviro-whacko constituency.


Bob Ellis said...

It's a lot easier to gripe and complain than it is to actually do something. Pelosi knows that.

And we all know whether she's a doer or a whiner.

Anonymous said...

"Fancy Nancy's plan to bring prices down in "two weeks" is short-sighted and frankly, stupid. She is, however, being faithful to her far-left enviro-whacko constituency."

Far-left enviro-whacko constituency? This is the "fair and accurate reporting" Dakota Voice prides itself on?

Bob Ellis said...

I think it's both fair and accurate (even if it is opinion).

Anonymous said...

Alexh, I write my commentary and opinion from my perspective. I make no pretense about being "objective." I have noticed that you sometimes make comments that go well beyond the facts into your personal beliefs and opinions, as well. And that's great! This is what's called an exchange of thoughts and ideas, something universities were once known for...but that was a long, long time ago.

Dakota Voice
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