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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Rush Limbaugh Signs Record-Setting Deal

Drudge reports today that Rush Limbaugh has signed an unprecedented contract package worth $400 million through 2016 with Clear Channel and Premier Radio.

His deal puts him ahead of Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer--combined!

The libs and the blue-blood Republicans must be weeping and gnashing teeth!

Not bad for a guy who never finished college. Not too shabby at all.

Way to go, Rush!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can't help but respect a man who makes fun of someone suffering from advanced Parkinson's. Go Rush!

Anonymous said...

And worth every penny of it! None of it, by the way, comes from taxpayers. With the Dems in a feeding frenzy over windfall profits of oil companies, you know there are those in Congress who are trying to think of some way to take more of Rush's money.

It makes me smile to think what the heavy hitters of the MSM must be thinking of such an exemplification of capitalism.

Anonymous said...

Think what you want, Anonymous, but Rush did not make fun of anyone. I saw and heard the original broadcast and followed the flap all the way through. Below is a transcript of Rush's explanation of the video that was shown on TV at the time, and was shown to have been manipulated and speeded up by the MSM for the purpose of deceiving their viewers.
Fox also admitted that he had purposely gone off some of his medication to make the ad more compelling, i.e., deceptive.

Rush didn't say it, but I will: I believe Mr. Fox intentionally exaggerated his symptoms for dramatic effect. He is an actor after all. I have examined and treated patients with Parkinson's Disease in all its manifestations and I absolutely had never seen anything like what Mr. Fox demonstrated in his misleading and cynical ad for Claire McCaskill.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see. I'm sorry I lost faith in Mr. Limbaugh. A man who's been addicted to painkillers and has three divorces under his belt is surely a model of conservative values. A man to admire indeed.

Anonymous said...

"...was shown to have been manipulated and speeded up by the MSM for the purpose of deceiving their viewers."

So nice to have someone else to blame, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

[yawn] Time for bed.

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