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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Thursday, February 07, 2008

Illegal Immigration Advocates Pleased with Remaining GOP Candidates

Our borders are leaking like a sponge, with the number of illegal aliens in the United States growing by half a million each year. We have no idea who these people are, we don't know where they originally come from, and we don't know what there intentions are.

Amnesty advocates would have us believe they are all just coming to the United States to get a job, to share in the American dream. While that may be true of many, even most, the fact remains they violated our borders and came here illegally, violating our laws.

But did any come here with the intention of causing harm to Americans? Did any come to peddle drugs? Did any come to commit terrorist acts? We don't know. 911 taught us that foreigners will come to the United States to do us harm; it's no stretch of the imagination that many more might slip across our scantly-defended borders. We'd never know if people on a terrorist watch list came across the border because we have no control of our borders, and no identification of the people in this country illegally.

What are our elected representatives doing about this dangerous situation? Well, last year they worked very hard to make it worse with their amnesty plans.

Can we hope that it will get better with the next president? What can the Mexican president tell us about those chances?

From NewsMax:

Eying the results so far in the U.S. presidential primary race, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said he is hopeful that the next administration in Washington will usher in reforms that would legalize the status of Mexican immigrants.

“It seems to me that the most radical and anti-immigrant candidates have been left behind and have been put in their place by their own electorate,” Calderon told the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday, the day after the Super Tuesday primaries.

Apparently the Mexican president understands what some Republicans can't seem to grasp.

Mike Huckabee, despite his recent attempts to sound like Congressman Tom Tancredo, has a sorry record on immigration. I don't know about you, but I put more stock in what a person has proved they will do, rather than what they say they'll do.

And there's really no difference with John McCain. McCain has recently tried to change his tune on immigration and border control, but he has a record as an amnesty-proponent. And he's being advised by a former Mexican government official who is an open-borders proponent and illegal alien advocate.

How long can a nation survive when those leading it are intent on it's dissolution?


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