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Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Hillary Clinton Question

by Carrie K. Hutchens

What is happening?

Hillary Clinton is giving speeches that have changed from the constant "I's" and "me's" to "you" and "yours" and Obama beats her still again. Tonight, he beat her in Washington, Louisiana and Nebraska.

Wasn't Clinton the self-proclaimed unbeatable candidate? The unbeatable one that continues to be beaten?

I heard a brief bit of one of Clinton's speeches tonight and she made suggestion as to whether she or Obama was the nominee. Does this mean that she is acknowledging the possibility Obama might win the nomination or is she still trying to make people feel sorry for her?

As the night wore on, a commentator on MSNBC, I believe it was, was saying that Hillary would have chance at some good headlines because she raised so much money between Super Tuesday and today (Saturday). But what about the fact that she, Hillary, was telling us from the beginning that she would have no problem raising money and fighting the opponent? So, why should we be impressed by the fact she raised money, when she led us to believe money, and raising it, was no object? I'm a little confused at the expectation some seem to have of us.

Hillary Clinton made a great many claims about her candidacy that don't seem to be happening. Why should we believe a presidency under her direction would be any different? Maybe we shouldn't.


Anonymous said...

Great point and great commentary. Hillary's campaign was supposed to lock things up on Super Tuesday, and now they're just waiting for Texas, Ohio & Pennsylvania, because those states are "really" the ones that matter. When is the last time a democrat won these states in a presidential campaign? This campaign has always been a power grab for the Clintons. If Hillary was really serious about changing the direction of our country she would have ran in 2004.

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