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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Friday, February 08, 2008

Accaimed Professor Denied Tenure Because of His Beliefs

World Net Daily has an exclusive report about a professor denied tenure solely because he does not hold to the humanist belief in protein to pianist evolution.

“Iowa State University regents, who earlier ruled against accepting evidence or hearing testimony from a professor in a dispute over the school's denial of his tenure, now have turned down his appeal.”

“The school has continued to deny the handling of Gonzalez' case was related to his support of ID [intelligent design], even though the Des Moines Register documented e-mails that confirmed Gonzalez' colleagues wanted him flushed out of the system for that reason.”

In a recent post by Bob Ellis "Creationism and Peer Review" a lively discussion ensued much of which had to do with the belief that the establishment (read “evolutionist”) scientists who control university departments and scientific journal editorial boards are biased and discriminatory when any research or ideas are presented that are counter to the accepted orthodoxy. This report about the treatment of Dr. Gonzalez is a case in point.


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