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Monday, June 25, 2007

Video Tells Businesses How to Skirt Immigration Law

Here's the other side of the illegal immigration problem. It isn't just bleeding-heart liberals who are trying to subvert our laws, but some greedy businesses that would rather bring in a foreigner for a job so they can pay them less than an American.

The San Francisco Chronicle has a story about a video that shows businesses how to "get around" the law in this regard:

Siding with the displaced Americans, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, wrote Chao Thursday after seeing a five-minute video in which the marketing director of a Pittsburgh law firm is shown telling employers how they can advertise a job so as to appear that the only qualified applicant is a foreign national.

"Our goal is clearly not to find a qualified and interested U.S. worker," says Lawrence Lebowitz of the Cohen & Grigsby law firm during a seminar taped in May. "In a sense it sounds funny, but that's what we're trying to do here."

Here's how they're doing it:
H-1B program opponent Ron Hira, a professor of public policy at Rochester Institute of Technology, said that in one respect, the flap is a misunderstanding because the seminar was aimed at companies that are sponsoring foreign workers for green cards rather than for temporary H-1B visas.

But, said Hira, by showing how to get around the tough requirements that exist -- on paper -- to ensure that green card applicants don't displace Americans, the video suggests how easy it must be for employers to hire foreign workers under the H-1B program, which has far weaker protections against job displacement.

These companies are putting their greed ahead of the national good.


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