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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Immigration Reform: Security First

The National Center for Policy Analysis spotlights an Opinion Journal piece by Pete Du Pont about the immigration issue aptly titled "Security First."

Some of the essential actions he points out:

Build the additional 600 miles of border fencing authorized by the 2006 law; we must also add better surveillance technology and more border security agents.

Make sure the bill contains the provisions of the Isakson Rule that no other immigration reform programs can be implemented until the border is secure.

Require tamper-proof ID cards of all immigrants; today there are no such cards and verifiable identification is essential to both immigration policy and national security
For the lawbreakers already here, this is what he proposes:
Illegals would have to apply for a Z visa (temporary legal status) by admitting they have broken the law, pay an initial $1,000 fine and submit to a background check (those with criminal records would be ineligible).

They would still not then be eligible for welfare benefits or food stamps, and if they wanted a green card and permanent legal status, they would have to pay an additional $4,000 fine, learn English, and then return to their home countries to file for it.

Since I doubt many would be able to fork over this much dough, that still means we should be prepared to deport most of them. Since they invaded our country and broke our laws, I don't have a problem with that.

For a nation that can go from backwater colony to world power in less than 200 years, for a nation that can join Atlantic and Pacific oceans with a canal, for a nation that can carve its heritage into a mountainside, for a nation that can wire the planet, for a nation that can send men to the moon and probes beyond our solar system, deporting most of the illegal aliens in this country shouldn't be insurmountable, if we set our minds to it.


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