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The Gods of Liberalism Revisited


The lie hasn't changed, and we still fall for it as easily as ever.  But how can we escape the snare?



Sunday, June 24, 2007

This is all I have to say (tonight) about Michael...

According to Michael Schiavo's TerriPAC blog, he has invited presidential candidates to sit down with him to discuss issues.

Does Michael Schiavo truly believe he warrants a personal audience?

Doesn't he get that candidates can actually use the "Terri Schiavo case" as an issue (either way) without his involvement?

I'm waiting to see if any candidate accepts the invitation.

I'd still like to know about the election eve rally with Bill Clinton that Michael claimed but never wrote about, though suggesting he would share this event with all.

I'd also like to know why he never made a correction on his blog (that I have found) about what took place at the debate. You know... the one where he accused Musgrave and/or her staff of trying to get him removed from the debate, only to find out that isn't what happened.

This is all I have to say (tonight) about Michael...

I'm waiting to hear the actual facts about any of this!


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